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and - 8
the - 6
diatoms - 5
vol - 5
you - 4
diatomeen - 3
references - 3
publications - 3
curriculum - 3
vitae - 3
contact - 3
home - 2
impressum - 2
bio - 2
indicators - 2
need - 2
have - 2
benthic - 2
your - 2
diatom - 2
identification - 2
diatomologica - 2
lange - 2
bertalot - 2
europe - 2
die - 2
der - 2
bioindikator - 1
skip - 1
content - 1
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search - 1
close - 1
petra - 1
werner - 1
diatomist - 1
come - 1
right - 1
place - 1
years - 1
experience - 1
using - 1
planktonic - 1
implement - 1
european - 1
water - 1
framework - 1
directive - 1
paleolimnology - 1
would - 1
love - 1
offer - 1
quotation - 1
someone - 1
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samples - 1
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equipment - 1
for - 1
use - 1
microscope - 1
axio - 1
scope - 1
from - 1
zeiss - 1
with - 1
100x - 1
magnifying - 1
objective - 1
plan - 1
apochromat - 1
numerical - 1
aperture - 1
differential - 1
interference - 1
contrast - 1
dic - 1
camera - 1
axiocam - 1
icm1 - 1
following - 1
literature - 1
bibliotheca - 1
cantonati - 1
kelly - 1
eds - 1
2017 - 1
freshwater - 1
central - 1
over - 1
800 - 1
common - 1
species - 1
used - 1
ecological - 1
assessment - 1
koeltz - 1
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books - 1
monographs - 1
hofmann - 1
werum - 1
2011 - 1
süßwasser - 1
benthos - 1
von - 1
mitteleuropa - 1
bestimmungsflora - 1
kieselalgen - 1
für - 1
ökologische - 1
praxis - 1
über - 1
700 - 1
häufigsten - 1
arten - 1
und - 1
ihre - 1
ökologie - 1
gantner - 1
verlag - 1
rugell - 1
iconographia - 1
reichardt - 1
2018 - 1
gebiet - 1
stadt - 1
treuchtlingen - 1
band - 1
bayerische - 1
botanische - 1
gesellschaft - 1
süßwasserflora - 1

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